Thursday, January 21, 2010

Peru here we come!!

I am filling out my application for project "Impact Peru" through Health Bridges International today. They ask why I want to go and what skills I have to offer on the trip. It is true that both Health Bridges and my Hospital are religiously founded organizations. Two nuns with no money and a cause started St. Elizabeth Hospital... and it is one of the best hospitals in the area now. So I've been asked, since I'm not a religious person, why I want to go on a religious mission and to that I have only one response:

You do not have to believe in God, to do God's work.

I am a good person. I have worked hard for what I have and where I am in my life, but I know that because of my circumstances I have had FAR more opportunities than the majority of the human population of the earth. I was fortunate to be born in the United States. I was fortunate to have loving, competent and dedicated parents. I was fortunate to be educated and to be able to further my education after public school.

What is interesting to me is that as fortunate as so very many of us in the US are... I come in contact with so many who refuse to acknowledge our fortune, and who believe they are entitled to all they've been able to achieve and all they've been given.

I don't believe I am entitled to anything I do not earn.

I also believe that it is my duty, and my privilege to be able to give to those who are not as fortunate as I have been. Why do I want to go to Peru? I want to go because I can... and in going I might be able to help someone improve their life... and the lives of those around them. My specific skills, taught to health-care providers in Peru could save the lives of babies. I think that's a pretty good reason to go, myself... I hope you all do too!

Donation update! I got a check from my Grandfather (Thank You Big Bumpa!!!) and another pay-pal donation which brings my total so far to $470!! YAY!!!

Thank you EVERYONE for your support and help! Several friends have listed my site on their FB status for a while and I appreciate that so much!!! THANK YOU!!!

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