Saturday, April 24, 2010

Holy Crap

Ok... I've been in Peru for almost a week now, and I JUST REALIZED that my blog posts haven't been saving/posting!!

I was posting via. email, but now I'm logged directly in through the web interface so HOPEFULLY this will post!


I will go back and re-post everything (it is saved in my sent-mail) but it may not be right away so here's a round up:

Left MKE last Saturday afternoon, great flight to Atlanta, great flight to Lima, 3hrs in Lima airport and then... BOOM... travel sickness hit me like a brick wall. Nausea, fatigue, no appetite. By the time we got to Arequipa at 5am I was a hurting unit. 6 hrs of sleep and some Phenergan and I was MUCH better.

3 days working in Father Alex's mission projects in Alto Cayma (above Arequipa): clinic, home-visits, food-kitchen, day-care.

3 days to Cusco, Aguas Calientes, Machu-Picchu, Wayna Picchu mountain (yup, I climbed that sukka right there!) back to Cusco and then 3 hrs IN A PLANE ON THE TARMAC in Juliaca on the way back to Arequipa.

Today was a whirlwind of tourist stuff... primarily stimulating the local economy with an influx of my personal cash.

Tomorrow we jump on the bus for Colca Canyon and Mon/Tue/Wed it is NRP training time!!

There are pics on facebook and I'm really having a wonderful time despite the altitude sickness, constant nausea, diarrhea, and smell aversions. FUN eh? Truly though, I'm having a wonderful time.

I miss Mike and the boys terribly though!! I'll be very happy when I get home.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

1.5 days

This is amazing.

This is actually happening.

You all made this happen!


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

3 days...

On Saturday, April 17th I will take my bags (one duffle with my clothes and necessities and one VERY large suitcase packed with donated vitamins, art-supplies, baby clothes and hats, bulb-syringes, ambu-bags, non-sterile gloves, etc...) get into Mary's car and we will be off to Milwaukee International Airport to start our adventure to Peru.

My final donation $$ Amount is $2120. I don't know how it happened... but it did, and every single person who donated even $1 helped make this trip possible.

Mary and I will arrive in Arequipa, Peru early Sunday morning and we will immediately begin our Mission with Father Alex. We will help at their free child-care center... we will deliver meals to the elderly members of the community, we will help in every way we can. On Wednesday the 22nd we will take a brief break (2 days) to travel to Machu Picchu. On Friday we will return to the mission, complete our work there and prepare for the second portion of our Mission.

On Sunday, the 25th we will board a van and travel up into the mountains (over 15,000 ft. elevation) and then back down into the Colca Valley (the floor of the valley is at 11,000 ft). Here we will help Dr. Gheringer teach NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation) to groups of nurses and physicians who man the government run clinics in these tiny rural villages. When classes are done for the day we will help in the clinics with immunizations, vitals, wounds, etc... anything that needs doing. Friday we will return to Father Alex's guest house and Saturday evening we board our plane home.

I am nervous, I am excited, I will be sad to leave my family, but somehow I think it will all be worth it in the end.

Thank you for making this possible.

THANK YOU!!! I'll keep this spot updated as much as I can from Peru. Expect Alpaca pictures!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

2 weeks...

Its been very busy around here as we prepare for the trip.

I am gathering the little things: socks, travel bottles, etc... and putting them in a small pile in my bedroom. Delta allows 2 free checked bags to South America and Mary found a wheel-chair that we can bring on the plane with us!! We sold our huge old recliner for $100, which is going directly to the trip, and I am really hoping that we can get our final arrangements made for our trip to Machu Picchu completed soon as well! Our travel agent in Peru is being a bit slow in responding to us.

Honestly I still can't believe I'm going to Peru in 2 weeks. I haven't traveled out of the country in so long that I feel like a complete boob. I am an obsessively light packer, which should serve me well, but my Spanish sucks and I'm nearly petrified of heights/bridges/etc... so there will definitely be some emotional challenges for me on this trip.

Plus I'm going to be away from my family for 2 weeks... all this adds up to me being a bit emotionally volatile lately. If you've been caught in the wake of that, I do apologize!!

Seriously though... 2 WEEKS!!! *SQUEEE*